
Posts Tagged ‘China’

Modern media makes the news fast

After traveling back from China over the May bank holiday weekend I was unfortunately missed the celebratory street parties and dinners in England for the marriage of Prince William and Kate Middleton. However whilst in an airport in China I was able to access the internet and therefore view the coverage of the event on YouTube, view friends’ pictures on Facebook and read status updates on Twitter.

Sunday night featured breaking news from President Obama, he announced that Osama Bin Laden had been killed. I received this news by text message in the early hours of Monday from a close friend as I was in a remote location in England.

After reviewing the past weekend two extremely important news stories have been covered. Due to modern media I have been able to access the breaking news despite being in numerous airports and locations over the world. An article published on Yahoo today has elaborated further by discussing how the modern media has positively helped transform the information process and even in the last ten years we have witnessed a dramatic improvement. So, stop and think, how have you discovered news recently? Has modern media been involved in that process? As a traditionalist I am fond of writing letters and receiving postcards but I will also always appreciate and never take for granted my personal use of modern media. Modern media platforms such as Twitter and Facebook provide a base for numerous people from all around the globe to discuss, argue and discover news stories. By creating a thread or post, such as this one, people are able to communicate ideas whilst reflecting and learning at the same time. Modern media not only speeds up the process of information giving but sometimes offers new angles or perspectives.