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5 Things Not To Include in your ‘About Me’ section

Tips on what not to include in your biography page

So I constantly come across blogs that feature these ‘about me’ sections that like to prove that they really are the most interesting person since sliced bread AND online. I will hold my hands up and admit that my ‘about me’ pages are probably cringe-worthy and make me wince every time I read over them; as well as those biography pages that float around the internet.

I tend to edit them every couple of months and always stop and think; what on earth was I thinking when I wrote this? 9 out of 10 times it sounded good in my head but on paper or on the dub dub dub it doesn’t sound as impressive. In answer to this I am sharing my top tips on what not to include on your about me page.

What to avoid on your About Me or Bio Page

  1. Top 10 facts you didn’t know about me. These lists come in various numbers; top ten, twenty and sometimes even fifty. Yes it may be great learning new things about people online and secretly we all like a good nose, though it is important to remember everyone can see these lists. Most importantly, future or prospective employers can cast their eyes over this list so make sure it is either professional or extremely interesting. Interesting and relevant enough to get you hired.
    I think these lists also can be a moment of narcissism for some people and it sure does come across that way in their writing. If you want to be taken seriously don’t be too driven by your online persona.
    Some points that make the list just aren’t worth reading. “Billy you’re a contradiction; shy but happy, quiet but loud in private. Hates office jobs but loves the routine of 9-5.” Interesting stuff, huh?
  2. Videos. I won’t dwell on this point too long but badly filmed videos with cheap effects and not much to go on are so cringe-worthy. It is like You’ve Been Framed meets Take Me Out and trust me it really is “no likey, no lighty” with this one.
  3. Choose your photos carefully. Okay I am very hypocritical on this point as some of the photos featured on my other blogs and sites are not strictly what may be deemed professional. I think your online personality has to complement any photos you post. In this retrospect I know ‘glammed up’ photos of myself are not taken too seriously.
    As a general rule of thumb, keep any harmful photographs of yourself under lock and key. They are not for the internet (or the world) to see. I don’t think you have to always feature clean-cut photographs but be wary of who can see these and what impression you want to make.
  4. Timelines. I think timelines are meaningless unless you are a real figure in history and have lived long enough to have a story behind you. I am talking about memorable people such as Mandela or Rosa Parks. Please don’t spend your time telling us just how long you have studied that photography course for and been an online blogger sensation for x number of years.
  5. Be you. I couldn’t finish on another negative so I thought it only appropriate to end with my best piece of advice which is be yourself. Make sure you inject your personality into your website and don’t try to be like anybody else.

If you have any other ‘no-no’s’ to add to this list then leave them below!

Categories: Blog, Opinion Tags: ,
  1. January 8, 2015 at 9:44 AM

    this post made me laugh, especially “avoid timelines unless you are a real figure in history”!! Hilarious! It’s hard to get your About page right, and like you, I change mine quite often. It’s due for one, actually, so this was an excellent reminder 🙂

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